
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Welcome to GSU Blogger - Dr. Sauers

Hello Students,
Welcome to GSU Blogger. This blog will serve as an interactive discussion forum where you may share on a wide variety of areas, such as, your thoughts, insights, views, and questions regarding your major project, leadership issues in your school in which you are involved, and leadership successes or challenges you are experiencing. In addition, you may post questions in order to receive the perspectives of your fellow students. You may also post perspectives re: articles from journals or the newspaper, provide your opinion of the article, and ask for other views. The hope is that this venue will provide a forum for rich discussion and feedback between students on leadership issues. Each of you is an experienced educator who has knowledge and perspectives that can be helpful to others. One problem that often occurs in education, is the lack of quality feedback from peers; it is hoped that this experience will be beneficial in providing such feedback.

We will have approximately 10 blogging weeks left in the semester when the blog is initiated. The expectation is that each of you will post a blog every other week and respond to a minimum of one of your classmate’s blogs during the week you do not blog. In an effort to not have this experience become cumbersome, it is up to you when you post and respond during the week; the only requirement is that you participate weekly based on the schedule below. Although there is no prescribed length for your blogs and responses, keep in mind that they should be meaningful. Generally speaking, the top limit for your bi-weekly post should be 500 words.
Even though this is a private blog that is only viewable to those active participants in the course, please note the confidentiality statement below:
Confidentiality: Real schools, real people, and real situations will routinely be discussed throughout this course. Students are expected to maintain professional standards of confidentiality both in and out of class. Whenever possible, avoid the use of names, schools, and other identifying information when discussing events and situations.
In order to help this blog run smoothly I have solicited the help of Dr. Sauers and Peter Coombe. If you have any technical questions, please contact Peter Coombe, coombep@calhounschools.org.  Non-technical questions should be directed to me.  

Week of…

Your Week to Blog

Respond to Classmate(s) Blog

September 21
Bloxson, Cox, Evans-Jackson, Harris, Hicks

Meadows, Owen, Stutervant, Taylor, Willis

September 28
Meadows, Owen, Stutervant, Taylor, Willis

Bloxson, Cox, Evans-Jackson, Harris, Hicks

October 5
Bloxson, Cox, Evans-Jackson, Harris, Hicks

Meadows, Owen, Stutervant, Taylor, Willis

October 12
Meadows, Owen, Stutervant, Taylor, Willis

Bloxson, Cox, Evans-Jackson, Harris, Hicks

October 19
Bloxson, Cox, Evans-Jackson, Harris, Hicks

Meadows, Owen, Stutervant, Taylor, Willis

October 26
Meadows, Owen, Stutervant, Taylor, Willis

Bloxson, Cox, Evans-Jackson, Harris, Hicks

November 2
Bloxson, Cox, Evans-Jackson, Harris, Hicks

Meadows, Owen, Stutervant, Taylor, Willis

November 9
Meadows, Owen, Stutervant, Taylor, Willis

Bloxson, Cox, Evans-Jackson, Harris, Hicks

November 16
Bloxson, Cox, Evans-Jackson, Harris, Hicks

Meadows, Owen, Stutervant, Taylor, Willis

November 23

Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving Break

November 30
Meadows, Owen, Stutervant, Taylor, Willis

Bloxson, Cox, Evans-Jackson, Harris, Hicks

How to Create an Original Post

Please view the video embedded here regarding how to create an original posting to the GSU Blogger.  Direct all technical questions to Peter Coombe at coombep@calhounschools.org.

How do I write a blog post?
When writing an actual post, there are no “official rules”, but here are some guidelines that may help.
  • Be concise! Generally, posts should be no longer than 500 words.
  • Provide resources for others such as hyperlinks.
  • Consider adding/using other forms of media to your posts such as pictures or videos.
  • Don’t worry about APA formatting.  Instead, focus on the content of your posts.
What shouldn’t be included in a blog post?
Private information that you couldn’t/wouldn’t discuss in a face-to-face class.  You should consider other means of communication with your mentor or coach related to those sensitive topics.  You should follow the same precautions you do with any written communication.
What if I’m not very tech savvy?
That’s O.K.!  One of our goals in this program is your growth as a professional.  As a school leader, it isn’t acceptable to simply ignore technology.  It is highly likely that students and teachers in your building are already blogging.  The ISLLC, LKES and ISTE standards all include indicators and/or standards related to the importance of technology.