
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Burning questions

I don't know about you all, but leadership in my short experience so far is a lot of fumbling through and figuring things out as I go.  Not all the time (thanks, grad school!) but a lot of the time.  So I have some burning questions to run by you that I'm wondering if anyone has found some solutions/strategies for yet.  Buckle up, they're biggies--

1.  How much communication is enough (transparent, honest, open) without being too much (burdensome, overwhelming, scary)?  Are there things better left to leaders to know without broadcasting, or is constant info-flow the best strategy?

2.  How do you balance vulnerability (being a real person, relating, sharing) with confidence as a leader?  Are they exclusive, or is there a way to balance both?  Do those you lead prefer you to be vulnerable and real or confident and stoic?

3.  How do leaders cope with giving so much more than receiving, and with the lack of appreciation or recognition for their work?  (They say it's lonely at the top... I think a big part of that is not having anyone above you to recognize your achievements or celebrate your successes.)

4.  To what extent is employee morale the responsibility of the leader?  How do you build others up in those times that you're feeling worn down yourself?

5.  How do you help fellow leaders grow professionally (as in, the others on your leadership team) when you're still learning and figuring it out yourself?

Thanks, everyone!  I look forward to gaining some insight from fellow leaders!

1 comment:

  1. I'll take on number one :) Unless you are breaking confidentiality, being "too transparent" is rarely an issue. We know that communication or lack of communication has a huge impact on leadership. When implementing change, this is also an issue. When my school faced difficult budget cuts, some faculty members probably felt that I communicated too much. In the end, it was extremely helpful in a difficult situation.
