
Monday, November 9, 2015

Time Management Suggestion

A friend of mine challenged me a few weeks ago to do something in reference to time management, so I thought I’d pass it along to see if it can help anyone else. After explaining (okay…MAYBE I was complaining…but who’s counting! J), that I consistently feel like I don’t have enough time in the day or week to get the important things done, he suggested I take a little time to tally my daily and weekly activities from my calendar, and rank them by percentage of time spent to see where my time is going. At first, I balked at the idea, because, in my head, I know exactly how I spend my time. But, I did it anyway. Mainly thinking I would prove him wrong!

Well, I’m almost embarrassed to explain the results, but, I will definitely say this one thing: it’s not what I expected! It’s SO easy to get caught up in everything day-to-day, and think you’re focusing on what’s important that you also lose sight of the big picture. I broke my calendar down into these categories of tasks: administrative (discipline, admin meetings, etc.), special ed (IEP meetings, parent meetings, referral meetings, etc.), instructional (anything having to do with helping teachers or students), county stuff (county meetings/trainings, etc.), and miscellaneous (anything else). Special ed and county were the two biggest categories that ranked in my calendar for the two weeks I calculated. That’s where the vast majority of my time went for those two weeks. And after flipping through the previous months in my calendar, I’m sure the results would be similar if I would go back and calculate other weeks.

So I’m issuing an open challenge to everyone who reads this to do the same, calculate your calendar!

Dr. Kafele tried to tell me this in our first Twitter chat; however, it didn’t make as much sense to me then as it does now. He talks on pages 4-5 of The Principal 50 about being an “intentional” leader; one that is not “random, reactive, or haphazard.” This simple task of calculating my calendar really made it clear to me, in black and white (so I can’t argue with it), that I need to do a better job of intentionally organizing my time to NOT be random, reactive, and haphazard and to be more instructionally-minded. I organize my days/weeks with many meetings, and my time is always productive, whether it be meeting with a parent or scheduling time to debrief with a teacher. However, I need to think of how I can better use my time. It’s not that I’ve been wasting time or scheduling things that don’t matter in the overall scheme of the school; however, I need to get better at intentional scheduling. I can see that this will be a journey for me. After all, it took me almost two months to only partially grasp what Dr. Kafele meant. Maybe I’ll fully get it in the near future. So…until then…to be continued at a later date…


  1. We are beginning to collect data on who has been in whose classroom and when. We are finding that some teachers are not getting focus walks and some periods are not being seen at all. We created a wall chart with 9 weeks on it and each teacher's name and periods they teach. Now we initial when we see someone and at a glance can see who needs to be seen to receive feedback from the coaches. The coaches meet every Wednesday and now we spend a portion of that time planning our calendar for the next week to prioritize our focus walks!

    1. This is a good idea! I'm stealing it. Thanks for the suggestion! As I was doing my 2nd round of TKES walk-throughs, I noticed I didn't write down what block I went in to visit my teachers, and I think I doubled up on some. I'll use your method here to start tracking that. Thanks, Tim!

  2. I actually did this as a leadership activity and it was so valuable! But I think you are making me think to try it as part of my work with our new teachers- get them to realize where their time is going and figure out how to maximize their schedule better.

    1. Ooooohhhhhh...good one! Like Tim's idea above, I'm totally stealing this. I'm not in charge of our new teacher prep program, but I'm going to share this with the lady who is. Thanks, Kolt!

  3. Thank you for the practical tip! I did a similar "portions of time" analysis last year when I was in a hybrid role, and thanks to your post reminding me, I will be doing it again for my role this year in full-time administration! Thanks for posting-- I am eager for all the help I can get with time management!
