
Sunday, January 17, 2016

People: The Most Important Variable That You Cannot Control

Last Thursday we held our AP Night - the night in which students and parents could preview our AP course offerings by attending an evening of informational sessions. In the past, this night has taken place at some point between late-February and mid-March, but due to a change to the district calendar, we had to push it up to the week after first semester.

For such a limited amount of time, my peer and I managed to pull off what we thought was a pretty well-organized event. AP teachers had commented that in years past some courses would overflow because parents would pack into a session; it wasn’t unusual for a classroom containing 35 student desks to have 40 to 50 people crammed into it. In an effort to minimize this, my peer and I came up with a registration process that would take place prior to the first session. Students and parents would arrive and choose up to 3 courses to preview that evening. In order to ensure that people were where they were supposed to be, they would be given a color-coded and numbered ticket that identified which course and what session they should be in. We cut out hundreds of tickets.

Registration was to begin at 6:15 PM and conclude at 6:40 PM, with the first session starting at 6:45 PM.

At 5:30 PM, the front atrium, where registration was to take place, and where we had yet to finish setting up, was starting to fill up with parents who were worried they would not get to see a session. By 6:00 PM, we were probably breaking the fire code as parents continued to shove - literally shove - their way into a space where people could hardly move.

Now, my peer and I had been told that our school’s parents were demanding and disrespectful, but up until that evening we had not really seen evidence of this. The evening more than brought us up to speed with our co-workers’ experiences. Between 6:00 PM and 6:45 PM, I came face-to-face with a swelling mass of dirty looks, profanity, and various other derogatory statements. Parents got in my face and yanked folders and papers out of my hand. I had never experienced anything like it.

I still think she and I had a good plan, but we just could not account for the reaction of parents. Having planned the event somewhat blind - there was nothing from previous years’ events - I believe we did pretty well. Since that evening - last Thursday - I have continually reflected on what went well and what could be improved upon. We had developed and delivered a participant feedback survey and, although we less-than-seriously toyed with the notion of taking it down, we encouraged parents to provide their feedback knowing full well that we may feel really small after reviewing it.

Having worked in some difficult contexts prior to coming to this school, I believed that I was prepared to handle anything when it came to difficult parents; however, that was not the case. I found an article by Todd Whitaker (“Dealing with Difficult Parents”) and read through it. I found Whitaker’s approach to be very enlightening; I liked how he pointed out that people in positions of authority - principals and teachers alike - should not have to prove they are in charge (no yelling, using sarcasm, etc.). Also, the notion of teaching teachers how to engage parents is extremely effective; something I have learned in my time at this school - and especially after AP Night - is that one must always be mindful of a person’s context.

I know that the odds of me interacting with difficult parents again are pretty high; therefore, I am actually glad that I experienced an event like AP Night prior to beginning my career as an Assistant Principal.


  1. Josh,
    It is a shame that parents behave the way that they do. We would only dream to have such parent involvement at McClarin for an evening activity. As difficult as it is, the one piece of advice I share with my students in the coaching endorsement is to presume positive intentions. This has really helped me in dealing with situations where tensions were high. Your parents only want the best for their child (which I know you already know). I think your plan was amazing and well designed to avoid issues from the past. I am sure that whatever you plan for next year will be even better.

    1. Tim, in the midst of the chaos it was really difficult to think that the parents were behaving the way they were out of the best interest of their kids, but I do agree. It probably did not help that we had a preconceived notion of the parents based off of the feedback of our peers.

  2. Josh,

    I believe experience is the best teacher. In my experiences (not as an assistant principal) but as an active member of the administration team, parent interactions will help you build tough skin and a tool-belt to help with irate parents. As time stated, your plan was amazing and well put together (you and I actually talked about you preparing for the event)-- there is no way to accommodate and please all parents. Just remember to remain positive and professional, deescalate the parent, take ownership, but most importantly listen.

    1. Thanks, Michael. It was definitely a learning experience - & I know that what works at one school will not necessarily, if at all, work at another school.

  3. Josh,

    It sounds like you had a well planned event with some demanding parents but you handled it well. I have had challenging parents as an AP and I always remember to keep my cool even if they are losing it. Its hard to continue to be irate with someone so calm. Also, I listen to the complaints or demands with a true desire to understand their perspective. Finally, sometimes I just have to shut it down as the administrator in charge. I had a parent arguing with me in front of students about her child's bullying and detention. I calmly refused to talk to her and invited her to schedule an appointment. She continued but I remained calm, positive and held my stance. Eventually she left and there was no other mention of it.
    So you can't please everyone but be understanding and set professional expectations for parent behavior.

    1. Thank you, Patrice! I really do try to maintain an even & professional tone with short-fuse individuals. One other thing that I try to be cognizant of is my facial expressions - I seriously hope that I've gotten better with this over the years. I 'practice' with my students who indicate that they're never really sure what my mood is because I have a blank expression; however, I know that at times the recipient of my facial expression can often misinterpret based off of what he/she is already feeling. Does that make sense?

  4. Tim has a good point Josh. The positive side of this is that you do have very engaged parents :) I also agree that you will likely learn from this and improve greatly in future years. Did you also involve some of the "demanding" parents in the planning? If not, that may be one way to help address some issues. I worked in a school that was similar to yours in some ways. I was able to have great parent support because I let them take the lead on some issues (fundraising, book fairs, etc). They are more likely to shape the behavior of their peers than you may be.

    1. Dr. Sauers, we did not involve the parents; in all honesty, we had precious little turnaround time to involve anyone - even the AP Committee (I ended up apologizing profusely for leaving them out of the loop). Additionally, it has been consistently recommended that we tell the parents what to do rather than include them. In hindsight, & thinking more about your comment regarding them shaping their peers' heaviors, I feel ridiculous that we didn't even consider involving them.
