
Monday, February 8, 2016

Forgetting vs. Refusal

As we all know, meeting deadlines is a part of one's duties and responsibilities as a professional is education.  Many administrators connect this with TKEYS Professional standards 9- The teacher exhibits a commitment to professional ethics and the school’s mission and participates in professional growth opportunities to support student learning, and contributes to the profession and TKEYS Professional Standard 10- The teacher communicates effectively with students, parents or guardians, district and school personnel, and other stakeholders in ways that enhance student learning.

However, at what point do you decide that missing a deadline is grounds to be rated ineffective or needs improvement for these 2 standards?  Now, everyone knows that the requirements and demands of each school vary, however, I believe my school is OVER-THE-TOP King!  The demands placed on these teachers are so tedious, lengthy and very heavy.  In the event that one deadline is not met,  do you believe that this is immediate grounds for a Letter of Direction/write up-- especially if this the first deadline one missed?  Furthermore,  the type of words that are used in the letter of Direction gives a different connotation that what really happened.  For instance, words such as "refusal to submit" or "insubordination" does not mean the same thing was forgot or missed.  

I dont think its fair to write a teacher up for missing ONE deadline, where 20 other deadlines have been met.

What would be the most effective way to handle this situation?


  1. I would give the teacher the benefit of the doubt after 1 miss. Especially if you know the teacher usually does what s/he is supposed to do, and you know the requirements are stringent. However, if it continues to be an issue (after the 3rd or 4th), then I would have a one-on-one meeting with that teacher, then send a follow-up email summarizing what you discussed in your conference. Any time after that, I would consider insubordination. Of course, this is just my opinion. But if it continues to be a problem, I would address it. I have let many things slide with several of my teachers before, knowing the other demands they have on them at that time.

  2. I would recommend that you have an informal policy about this and follow it strictly. i.e. If you miss 1 deadline, you'll receive an informal email stating you missed the deadline and that on the next occurrence you will need to write a letter of reprimand. If you think that is too harsh, you could also start with a verbal warning that you document. If you don't follow a plan like this and eventually take action on one teacher, you could potentially weaken your case because you treated that teacher different than others.

    I will also say that my experiences as a professor and principal is that having too much flexibility can cause problems. The saying "no good deed goes unpunished" can be quite true. In fact, I considered no longer accepting any late work at the beginning of this semester, but I did change my mind :)

    1. Thanks for changing your mind. However, things arise; life happens. I do not believe it be fair to say first missed deadline, you are subject to a write or a 0. I understand setting expectations, however no one is perfect.
      I am torn in this situation.

  3. Hi Michael,

    Does your school have a written policy about this type situation already that you could check out and tell us about? Also, have you seen this happen on more than one occasion? I'm eager to hear more about this situation. Thanks!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Jen, I do not think that there is a policy in place for such things. It just hard to fathom that because you miss one deadline (which maybe important to the person you are submitting it to) you are subject to a write up. I understand maybe an email, like Dr. Sauers stated, but a write up. Thats extreme.
