
Monday, February 22, 2016

Vote or Die! ...not really though...

It's an election year, and it is time to talk about where our potential president stands in regards to education. One candidate wants to make college free, others wants to provide vouchers for school choice, and all have different stances on Common Core curriculum. Here is a basic run down for all of the major candidates:


While I am not comfortable stating my party affiliation, I do feel comfortable talking politics. And when it comes to education, I want to hear what everyone has to say. So here are my two cents about their visions for American education.

Clinton: I like what she states about charter schools. I don't think that we should through the baby out with the bath water, and allow for charter and public schools to coexist. I do think that there should be more of a merger since it is about the improvement of communities.

Sanders: Feel college tuition! A college degree does help for long term success, but student loan debt ain't pretty (which is why I will be in school for forever :). So, I agree that some persons are deterred from going to college due to cost and that it is a pathway to the middle class, but with free tuition and increased wages for professors, I wonder what happens to the size of staff and faculty - will there be cuts? Will there be firings? I wonder what the fallout would be...

Bush: He isn't the first Bush to rewrite education, and he proposed newer education policy to Medium (here it is https://medium.com/@JebBush/restoring-the-right-to-rise-through-a-quality-education-a27ef314f2c#.ivgtouqvz) Basically, deregulate federal control and give it back to states and local governance.

Trump: He is a capitalist and therefore thinks that competition improves the quality of education. Therefore, basically deregulate federal control and return decision making to local schools. Provide vouchers, charter schools, and give families the freedom to chose where to send their children. Schools will not doubt have to improve. But what about the schools who can't and can a business style infrastructure really work in education? Overall, He is not with the common core...

Like I said, I like talking politics and I really like talking education politics so let me know what your thoughts are on where they each stand :)


  1. While politics in general give me a headache (mostly because I don't understand them), I really appreciate your breakdown of the candidates' stances on education. This is so helpful to me in learning more about the political implications on education. I don't think charter and public schools should coexist. Having a high school senior this year, free college tuition sounds great! Not sure about deregulation of federal control or what that means for state and local governance. As for a business infrastructure, I always hear people in my system talking about education as our "business" and students as our "clientele." Perhaps we are already on our way to a business-style infrastructure?? I don't know. Finally, from the link, I don't like the idea of cutting the Department of Education "way, way, down" because we all know where budget cuts start....at the bottom! Very interesting read. Thank for sharing!

    1. Good point about the business jargon, Kim! If I had to choose, I'd rather the students be called "clientele" than "products," though, as the author of our School Genetics book called them!

  2. Crickets.... :)

    I think it is unfortunate that free college for all is considered such a radical idea by many. Should a college education be a right in 2016?

    1. Great question, Nick. There was a time in the past when a free public education through high school graduation was enough to land a job that could support a family. That case is becoming more and more rare, so shouldn't our idea of free public education evolve with our economy? If a college education is the new "norm" for getting a job that can actually support a family, shouldn't everyone have access to that? We need to take a long hard look at "The American Dream" and the role high college tuition plays in making that dream even more of a myth than it always has been.

  3. Thanks y'all! I know it is uncomfrtable to talk about, but as school leaders I do think that we should at least discuss the educational policies these candidates are bringing to the table and how those policies affect us - such as minimizing the federal role in education. I appreciate you both for taking that leap! Thanks!

  4. Kolt, way to be bold and put your thoughts out there! As uncomfortable as political conversations can be, isn't it funny to think that as members of a democracy, we shy away from political talk? Doesn't that seem like a paradox? How can we be active participants in a democratic society while also maintaining a social norm that political talk is taboo? It baffles me a bit, and also makes me a bit suspicious. You've inspired me to be bold with you, Kolt, so I'm going to go ahead and throw this out there: I think keeping political talk "taboo" is a mode of social control that prevents people from being fully active participants in a democracy. So go you for rising up!!
