
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Culture Shock

I’ve thought a great deal about school culture, even before receiving the syllabus for this course.  When I was hired, the principal gave me a copy of School Culture Rewired: How to Define, Assess, and Transform It by Steve Gruenert and Todd Whitaker, she stated that the school’s culture was focused on the needs of the teachers and that she wanted to refocus it on the needs of the students. The principal said that we, the leadership team, were going to read it as a book study; however, that never happened as she was relocated and another principal was appointed. The book is still sitting on my kitchen counter, but I have done little more than skim through it.

I found a TEDTalk given by Dr. Mark Wilson, former principal of Morgan County High School and the 2009 National Principal of the Year. In the talk, Dr. Wilson discusses the elements that it takes to build a culture of success in a school: vision, unity, and empowerment. Dr. Wilson spends the majority of the segment discussing the positive impact that these three components can have by highlighting several of MCHS’ successful initiatives. As I watched it, I considered my perception of those three components in my current school.

I’ve been at my school for about nine weeks, and those have been the longest nine weeks of any school year so far. At the pre-pre-planning leadership meeting, our principal began the process of crafting a vision; it’s something that - to my knowledge - had yet to be done at the school. I can’t really recall how much time we spent in each group crafting statements, but there were several that were created; after sharing each of them, we wrapped up the activity with the principal indicating that we would be coming back to the process over the course of the year.

So far, that’s not been the case.

The overwhelming majority of our students do very well on their own. This fact is why a large number of the faculty see no sense in creating PLCs are looking at student data. Some departments may share common assessments; however, there is no discussion of standards or proficiencies or instructional practices. Teachers do not see a purpose in doing so. I guess it’s the old perpetuation of the old adage “if it isn’t broken don’t fix it”; in other words, as long as our students excel on their own, we don’t need to change anything. I don’t think my peers see what this mentality is doing.

The final component of Dr. Wilson’s culture of success in schools is empowerment. I believe that without the first two, there can be no authentic empowerment - among students or faculty. Dr. Wilson cites Daniel Pink’s Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, in which Pink presents research that demonstrates our intrinsic need to be engaged in authentic tasks. The traditional approach to school - the sit-and-get - does not engage students. If a student’s grade is to mean anything beyond an average of points, then he or she needs to be actively involved in complex learning experiences and tasks. In doing so, students will be empowered to take charge of their learning. For teachers to do more than simply collect a paycheck, they also need to be engaged in complex tasks, and for most that comes in the form of designing and implementing lessons that meet the needs of all of their learners.

My school needs a culture shift, and I believe that it begins, as Dr. Wilson states, with vision. Once we have a vision then unity and empowerment will not be far behind.


  1. Josh-I agree that creating a MEANINGFUL vision is very important. The process of creating the vision and the conversations that generates can be very powerful. It should give multiple stakeholders a chance to voice their concerns about what is most important in the school. If done properly, that vision should then drive everything that happens at the school. Kotter has a book titled Leading Change that is a great read and it addresses this issue as well.

  2. I have wrestled with this topic myself and thought many of the same things you posted. After giving it much thought, I really think it needs to start at the very top. Teachers are so overloaded with standards, lessons, difficult students, difficult parents, high expectations, evaluations, and a whole other list of endless tasks and responsibilities. I really think the problem is time. Time is an issue at my school. Administrators and teachers do not have time to adequately get done what needs to be done every day. I think we, a bigger body (the school system, the state, whoever) need to look at implementing more teacher work days. We need to get creative with the calendar. Teachers and administrators need more uninterrupted time to meet and discuss topics like engaging students and making meaningful changes. It sounds insignificant, but at the end of the day there is not enough time to plan and tackle those challenges. Like everyone else, I'd love to have more time! I truly believe we could solve more problems if we only had some extra time! Great post.

  3. Thanks for sharing, Josh.

    One thing that really helped us at my school was making a team commitments to attaching a who, what, and when to every to-do. So when your principal said he would take the vision statements away and make a decision, it helps to have a deadline so that everyone is accountable to each other. We never close a meeting without discussing the next follow-up steps, who is the point person for them, and when they will be done. Otherwise, stuff falls through the cracks all the time. Could you perhaps propose a timeline for when the team will meet periodically for establishing vision? Could there be a "vision team" that meets regularly?

  4. This is great insight Josh. Sometimes it takes a new person to shake up the complacency of a comfortable staff. Especially when things are going fairly well as far as achievement data goes. Maybe you can start with suggesting some shout outs at faculty meetings or a recognition wall in the faculty lounge to get people talking about innocent active teaching strategies informally. Or conduct a survey of teachers or students to try to identify areas the school can improve. Maybe getting people to talk about it will help them see there is room for improvement and the need to redefine the school vision.
