Although I have two planning periods for my content and grade level and two planning periods as department chair, there is still no time for planning or completing task. Being in an Achievement Zone is hard because of the demands of "getting it together." Everyday, is planned for us as teachers with the following schedule:
Monday-Professional Learning (the whole planning period)
Tuesday-Content Collaboration (the whole planning period)
Wednesday- Parent Conferences
Thursday-Parent Conferences
Friday-Grade Level Planning/meeting (the whole planning period)
As you can see, there is clearly no time for real planning or even opportunity to plan or prepare for execution of the plans discussed. Our parent conferences are actually taken place on both days given all of the behavior and failure issues we have at my school. Also, there are times when admin plan things on those days because they think we are free. The same holds true for my department chair planning periods. Some feel as if I am free with nothing to do (which is far from the truth), and find things for me to do during this time. Where are the days of letting teachers plan they way that they need to and allowing teacher to have their teacher work days to really be work days instead of meeting days? As a Faculty, we have expressed our concerns and feelings of being overwhelmed and the following has been proposed by our principal:
Monday-professional learning for 55 minutes and the remaining time for grade level meetings.
Tuesday-protected planning
Wednesday-parent conferences
Thursday-content collaboration
Friday-personal planning (not protected)
I'm curious to know how your week looks in terms of planning etc. I know we are in different positions, but I'm also certain others are overwhelmed with not having enough time!
At McClarin we just changed our schedule this year. We went from a four period day (teaching four periods a day) to a five period day (still teaching four periods). Our planning time last year was 7:55-8:55 AM and 3:25-3:55 in the afternoon; however, Monday was Data Talks in the morning; Tuesday was Collaborative Planning with your team; and Thursday was Professional Learning. Our teachers had Wednesday and Friday before school to "plan." Now that we have moved to the five period day, teachers have a 65 minute period free every day which is protected from admin. It is for planning, BUT will include time to meet with your coach and peer observations (all of which constitute as planning). It has helped.
DeleteI can say that I am lucky to have two department planning periods to get observations done,, but often times, I'm called for something!
LaTaucha, I totally agree and understand what you are experiencing. I remember back when I was in the classroom, time was taken as such. However, I commend myself on working smarter and not harder. As far as plans go, with the level of my students, I knew I could plan a lesson that takes 2-3 days. Thats half the week, with an assessment. I also used to work throughout the day, all while teaching. My behavior management was so on lock (even in the Bluff), I was able to knock some Plans or grade some papers out while my students worked in small groups or were designing their own Graphic Organizer. I was very strategic on how to maximize my time.
ReplyDeleteWhen I move into Administration, there is one thing that I plan to implement and that is a Protected time where teachers can be teachers, work in their classrooms and do what they are called to do.
Michael, I must learn to work smarter as well. I think the lessons taking 2-3 days will be something I implement since it generally takes my SE students that long anyway.
DeleteTime management is one of the most important skills you can have as a leader. I would encourage you to do a time audit and then prioritize. Are there things that can be removed? Are there things that can easily be done outside of the school day?
ReplyDeleteDr. Sauers
Time management is always going to be an issue, I believe in one of the 48 laws of power, delegate what you can, and focus your time on the important issues. That is easier said that done. As a social worker I am constantly being tied up putting out fires and tending to real life issues of abuse, neglect, attendance, discipline, home visits, court, group counseling sessions etc. So trust me I feel your pain. Check out Brian Tracy...TheMiracle of Self Discipline I listen to it every couple months in an effort to refocus.